Sonntag, 31. Januar 2016

It's been ages since I posted something the last time, so I am finally fulfilling my New Year's resolution (on the last day of January...) and start to work on this blog again.
I had a turbulent start to the year, but after a few rough weeks everything seems to work out fine. I'm going to start a new job soon which is absolutely brilliant on the one hand and absolutely terrifying on the other.
Love life is still a mess and social life in general is mediocre, but I am making progress. My anxiety got a little better these past few months and I have definitely grown in confidence.

Let's hope I can keep that up for the rest of the year...

Donnerstag, 25. Juni 2015

Very terrible week so far. I had only bad news so far and haven't solved any of the issues I have going on at the moment. I haven't slept properly since three days and I'm constantly crying. My eyes look awful and not even make-up can make me look more awake, but my skin is miraculously clear since a few weeks, so that's good.
I'm depressed, sad and tired and I want to forget all my troubles and engage a PA who will organise all my stuff and regularly brings me cool drinks.