Mittwoch, 30. Januar 2013

spontaneous shopping trip

My favourite teacher at Uni smiled at me and wished me "Good Morning" which made my day. He is so lovely that I brightened up at once and spent the day humming. Funny how some people are able to make you feel good only by saying two words. I had some spare time in between courses and I went shopping. I treated myself with a very comfy, pretty jumper and THE most beautiful scarf. Yay! Even the sun began shining just when I was leaving the shop :) I also had an idea for a topic for one of my term papers which calmed me down a little, because I'm beginning to panic, to be honest.
One of my best friends is not well. I mean, she's not feeling well. She has man trouble and although she is lovely and funny and chatting away all the time I know that her heart is broken. She looks so sad sometimes and although I tell her that she can talk to me any time and that HE is just an idiot and that everything will be alright again, I know that it isn't comforting her. I feel so sorry for her, that I#m almost in pain. :(

Montag, 28. Januar 2013

Oooooooh, babbu!

beautiful winter bouquets

oh, how lovely.
me most of the time these days. My need of sleep is incredible. 9 hours are not nearly sufficient. Why?!
ugh, very long day. Job interview in the morning which didn't go too well, I'm afraid. :S *sigh* Please let them take me on anyway, that would be fabulous. I'm feeling like a complete failure these days because nothing works out, really. Love life: zero, uni:hmm, friends: quite good, self-esteem: zero. All hopes are set on two work experience applications.

Samstag, 26. Januar 2013

Oh, Mr Thornton!

I just realised that my background wallpaper looks almost exactly the same as the Hales' in BBCs "North & South". I knew it reminded me of something. There is a coffeeshop in my town that has a beautiful wallpaper with animals and flowers on it. I'm never brave enough to ask if the guy at the counter happens to know where they got it , because it's usually a handsome guy serving and stupid me isn't brave enough to talk to him. Resolution for the new year: Building up confidence!!!! Otherwise I'll never attract a man like this:
Look at Margaret Hale. She follows her own heart and mind although the whole town and Mr Thornton practically believe her to be a slut and SHE gets Mr Sexbomb-Thornton!
Why wasn't I told??? I love the second one, it's almost as if he is talking to YOU!
One of my favourite pictures to calm me down...
Uuuuh, I applied for a really important work experience. Fingers crossed! I NEED this job! I'm not satisfied with my meagre CV bur maybe they'll take me out of pity...

Donnerstag, 24. Januar 2013

I'm sad tonight. I don't even know why, exactly. I couldn't tell my friends when we were meeting earlier. I bought popcorn and settled down with "Misfits" but it isn't working. This day was full of thousands of little incidents that annoyed me and I came home and cried for a while because I felt like shit. I wish I was a happier person sometimes.
I just attended a beautiful matinee concert. The pianist played pieces by Bach and the whole world just looked a little bit brighter.

Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013

i need a snowday

A wonderful day to start my blog. The snow is still here and when I left the house the sun was rising and turned everything in a dream of sparkling white.
I began the day with a very good friend and a large amount of coffee. Talked about future boyfriends and imagined a Benedict Cumberbatch-clone wearing perfect fitting suits 24/7 and discussing interesting features in modernist literature. Well, a girl is allowed to dream...
Slightly shocked though about BC's hairstyle in the Julian Assange film. !!!

Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013

So, this is my new project for this year. Finally I could bring myself to set up a blog. I need to get some structure into my life and maybe this will help me to focus on something without giving up after a while. I will use this as a diary but mainly it's about re-blogging pretty things and giggling over handsome actors. Ugh, I'm pretty childish, I know, but due to the spectacular lack of a male protagonist in MY life, that's all I can do at the moment.
So, I hope, you'll enjoy reading this as much as I do writing it and I look forward to start properly!