Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2013

Ben Barnes, ladies and gentlemen.
Bit of a sexy-British-boys-day today I notice...oh well.
Huh!!! Totally forgot about this scene!

Calvin and Hobbes on Halloween

I don't even know where this comes from but it's HILARIOUS!

the Great Pumpkin


I'm not fearful of the night

it's so fluffy!!!!!

This must be my favourite film quote of all time. Hands down.

sad racoon

This is heartbreaking! He looks so sad! Poor babbu, let me cuddle you!

Dienstag, 29. Oktober 2013

british men and horses

baby tiger

Uuuuh, would you look at it!!! It's soooo tiny and cute! I LOVE the last gif, where it's too tired to do anything except of drinking and sleeping. Getting washed is exhausting...

wallflowers understand

Samstag, 26. Oktober 2013

one of the scenes I screamed at while reading the HP books...

still captains of our soul

beautiful table setting

things to know about life

my motto