Samstag, 25. Januar 2014

I had a very shitty week. I cried almost every night and also two times at Uni. I can't really talk to anyone and I wake up feeling miserable already. The worst Thing about all this is, that I don#t even know why exactly I'm so sad. I had a bit of Trouble recently but I should be okay. I wish I had someone who hugged me and let me cry without saying anything and then went and made me a cup of tea.
I'm so sad my whole body feels numb, but at the same time breathing hurts and I feel as if I'm going to burst any minute.

His chest, his shirt, his hand holding the tea cup...!!!!!

Samstag, 18. Januar 2014

my current mood

I'm writing an important paper right now, and every morning I wake up paniking, so that I never sleep enough but rather get up and pretend to work. All I want is to sleep, to forget all the stuff that happenend last week, which was awful, thanks for asking, and to stop crying every night.

tea time: orange


definitely me:

to the very best of times, John

I couldn't believe they didn't hug. All these supressed emotions! At least I cried for hours on end...

That scene broke my heart and made me cry. And oh, such glorious hair!