Montag, 4. August 2014

my amorous adventure...or was it?

I can't believe I'm still upset about what happened two weeks ago. So, me and my friend were out on a Friday night and we were searching for this place she really liked going to and suddenly there is this guy tapping me on the shoulder and saying: "Sorry to stop you, but I just wanted to say that you look absolutely stunning." He was from ENGLAND and I just couldn't believe to have met a very cute ENGLISH guy who is polite and nice and who fancies me. So I'm like !!!!!!!!!!!!, of course. Suddenly his friend joined us and let me tell you, he was like the most handsome guy I've ever met in real life. They invited us for a drink and in the course of the evening the first guy started hitting on my friend, and me and the handsome one were standing there awkwardly and pretended not to see them snogging. When I couldn't bear it anymore I asked him if he'd like to go outside for a second and we were standing there in the summer night and he was paying me all those sweet compliments and suddenly - I swear to God, I don't know how this happened!!!- we started kissing as well. It was weird but also nice and exciting. Well, it COULD be, anyways, if he wouldn't have started to make all those weird and slightly disgusting hints to sex, us spending the night together, the seize of his dick and my sexual adventures so far. I'm not joking. To be fair, I was too giggly to actually get angry and I simply told him that I wouldn't come back to his place. He was disappointed, but we said good night very nicely and after some more kissing I went home and he texted me and again was really nice.
The next day we were meeting again, and to be honest, it was slightly awkward seeing each other in the daylight for the first time (although my eyes had not deceived me the night before, he was still GORGEOUS!). We were chatting along and he started with his hints again but I pretty soon blocked them and he finally understood that it wasn't going to happen. Well, long story short, he left pretty soon because he was meeting a friend anyways and although we kissed again and he told me to ring him up when I'm in England, he made it ptretty clear that he wasn't interested anymore.

So, yeah, that was my last amorous (or not amorous) adventure. Although I was glad to have handled the situation quite well and being able to keep him in check, and although I know that I shoudln't give a f*** about a guy like him, I'm still disappointed. I felt sad and used, because he took advantage of me as long as he thought he could seduce me, but he dropped me as soon as he realised that I wasn't playing along.

Why do I feel disappointed because of such a dickhead???? Ugh.