Dienstag, 5. November 2013

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Very stressful start into the new week. My flatmate had trouble with her boyfriend and spent yesterday crying. I met another friend in the evening but then she called and asked sobbing if I could comne home. I rushed back home only to find her on the phone with her boyfriend for the rest of the night and apparently they are on speaking terms again. Very bad night with five hours of sleep and three hours laying awake. Couldn't calm down or stop my head from thinking.
Got up very early to see my professor in his office hour but he wasn't there, only a note saying that he couldn't make it today and could we please make another appointment. I'm at the brink of crying now and it is only 11 a.m. Oh God.
I haven't done anything but listen to my friends' sorrows these past few weeks and it troubles myself although I could have a really good time because for once almost everything works out for me.
I love that my friends have so much trust in me that they talk to me about their problems and I'm sure that I'm able to help them most of the time, but there are days when I wish not to be the person who gets all the troubles of other people. I'm happy at the moment but hearing all these sad stories makes ME sad, too. Also I'm not able to speak about my life because I don't want to boast with the good stuff that happens to me.

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