Mittwoch, 15. Oktober 2014

tears, sweets and Dan and Phil

I had a very bad couple of days. I was on my own for too long, I was on the Internet for too long, I ate tons of sweets, I drank litres of coffee.
I don't even know why I felt so miserable. Well, no, that's not true. There was a reason or two, but the actual bad thing was that I just started to panic and to freak out instead of approaching the problem logically and calmly.
I couldn't really tell anyone either, so I just started brooding and panicking more and more. I finally ended up at home, closing my front door and bursting into tears. I cried for a couple of eternities, but I felt better afterwards.

To forget all of the terrible things I watched a lot of cute/beautiful/talented YouTubers (aka Amazingphil and Danisnotonfire), ate more sweets and refused to do anything productive.

Things I really am desperate for at the moment:
- fairy lights
- a boyfriend
- healthy food I don't have to cook myself
- my best friend
- sunshine
- a haircut
- my favourite books

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