Dienstag, 11. November 2014

I'm quite anxious about a couple of things coming up this and next week. I've got a job interview and two other things that I have to go to for the first time. I'm already nervous and it doesn't help that none of my friends are here. I miss my best friend and just emailing her isn't the same as talking. I find it hard making new friends at this new place and I'm quite lonely these days. I have to deal with all my troubles on my own. I don't want to tell my parents how hard I find it to settle in because I don't want them to worry and I don't want to appear ungrateful. I just wish I had someone I could ring any time and they could come over and help me.

Samstag, 8. November 2014

'Reclaim the Night' march 2014

I joined the 'Reclaim the Night' march last night, which was held in order to protest for safer streets at night for women. We marched for about an hour through the city and then we heard some amazing speakers talking about several charity organisations that support victims of sexual abuse and rape. It was an amazing experience to march with all those passionate people shouting chants and holding up banners with really inspiring, funny, creative and sometimes sadly true demands and statements.

Donnerstag, 6. November 2014

art and coffee

I spent some lovely days exploring the city and enjoying the pre-Christmas atmsophere that's slowly starting to spread all over town. I went for a walk last night just after sunset and I saw a beautiful full moon.
I also went to one of the museums and I took pictures of the paintings I loved the most:

I also loved the foam on my coffee this afternoon with the girls. It shows a swan and either a second swan or somekind of heart. Absolutely beautiful!

Samstag, 1. November 2014

first impressions: November

November starts with bright sunshine and a warm wind. Crazy weather. The people in the library stare out of the windows, longing to be outside. Focusing is hard. I listen to classical music and sip my coffee while bright coloured leaves sweep by, bravely trying to look autumnal.
I'm tired but can not sleep so I walk around in a haze. Between my books there are small pumpkins on my shelf and I am reminded of reading the Harry Potter books in autumn as a child and I feel the same longing of being invited to Hogwarts for Halloween.