Sonntag, 3. März 2013

sad sunday

Ugh, what is with people who just call you or write to you to boast about something? I hate it when they go like: 'How are you? How's work? By the way, did I tell you about this guy I met lately...' And on they go about another happy event in their life and you just sit there and feel like an absoulte failure because it's never you who all these wonderful things are happening to. I just had a text from a friend and she told me of ANOTHER date with ANOTHER guy and I almost started to bawl. Uch, I just feel so worthless and ugly and small and stupid. My skin looks like sh***, I think I put on weight, the cute guy last friday didn't ask me out although I was so sure he would (I thought he liked me for a while now), all of my friends are on holiday and my term papers aren't progressing too well. Can someone please come and hug me really tight?

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