Dienstag, 26. Februar 2013

I love Cynthia's dresses and hairstyles so much!
hand on leg...jhghfgdhgfaghdf!!!

Sorry about dinner

Jack Kerouac - 'The Journal of an Egotist'

Listen to this:
I have fallen in love, or at least, am in the throes of falling in love with a girl. I won't mention her name, because God help me if she should ever read this! She has long black hair, large rolling brown eyes, small and delicately rounded shoulders, a very slender body which retains its soft suppleness, and a beautiful alabaster face, concocted of black fire and shimmering ebony and wild dreams and love and whiteness and gleaming, glowing, pulsating, oscillating beauty. Aah, my mad masters, I adore her walk, I revere[e] her look, I love her for her femininity, I cherish her for the memory she affords me, and I yearn for her with all the fiery passion of youth! ...
Jack Kerouac 'The Journal of an Egotist' He was 18 when he wrote this.

Montag, 25. Februar 2013

handsome bastard

your thoughts

I thought about the Jane-Austen-questionnaire again. I'm still not sure about some of the answers. I'm not sure if I would like to meet Jane Austen at all, I would feel so stupid and dull and she would look me up and down and then write something very bity afterwards to her sister. And who of her heroines do I resemble the most? None, I suppose. I'm not as witty and confident as Elizabeth or Emma, I'm not as entirely good and lovely as Jane Bennet or Anne, I'm not as naive as Catherine,I'm not as sensible as Marianne or thoughtful as Elinor. Maybe I'm like a dull version of Fanny Prize. How would you answer some of the questions? Write them down or make some new ones up, I would love to discuss them with you. I'm looking forward to your thoughts! :)
me staring jealously at happy couples kissing and giggling and...ugh. Sometimes I feel so lonely, I really do.
ajhdhhdgfhgcsbfx!!! Benedict Cumberbatch with books!
me and my best friends, basically.

tall, dark and handsome

ummm...yes. God, I NEED the DVDs like NOW!!!!


1 - What was the first JA novel you ever read, and who introduced you to it? My first JA novel was Pride&Prejudice, but I'm not sure anymore. I could also be Sense& Sensibility My sister introduced me to the novels and for that I'm eternally grateful! 2 - Which is your least favorite JA novel, and why? Hmmm...It's possibly Northanger Abbey, although it is hilarious. I like it very much but not as much as the other ones, I suppose, so yeah, that's my least favourite one. 3 - Who do you think is the funniest character JA ever created? Mrs Jennings and Mrs Elton. 4 - Which JA villain[ess] do you love to hate? Lucy Steele. Elinor probably is my favourite heroine and I REALLY hate Lucy for being such a b****. 5 - What's your favorite JA quote? 'Whom are you going to dance with?', asked Mr Knightley. She hesitated a moment, and then replied, 'With you, if you will ask me.' 6 - If you were to "start" someone on JA, which book would you recommend to them first and why? Probably Persuasion or Sense&Sensibility. I wouldn't recommend Northanger Abbey because it's not her usual style and probably not Mansfield Park either. 7 - What is your absolute favorite JA film adaptation and why? The Persuasion adaption of 1995! It's soooo beautiful!!! Watch it! 8 - If you could authorize a new film adaptation of one of JA's novels, which would it be and why? Hmmm, maybe Mansfield Park? 9 - Which JA character do you most identify with? Hmmmm...Anne Eliot, I think. My username could be a hint ;) 10 - If you could have lunch with JA today, what question would you most like to ask her? I'd like to ask her if she ever fell in love herself and how she experienced it. 11 - Is there any one thing that you think could have been improved upon in one (or all) of JA's books? What is it and why? I wouldn't marry Marianne off to Colonel Brandon, because I love his character so much and she doesn't seem too keen but obeys the wishes of her family. I would like him to marry someone who deserves him and I would like her to find a second Willoughby, but a better version of him. 12 - If you could have lunch with one of JA's characters today, who would it be and why? Elizabeth and Anne. They are both wonderful in their own way. Elizabeth would be a laugh and a great, smart friend at the same time and Anne would probably be the most gentle person you could have a conversation with. She would make you feel special just by talking to you.

Sonntag, 24. Februar 2013

I miss summer

Some friends and I planned our summer holidays today and I started to miss summer so badly! Weraing light and colourful summer dresses instead of several layers of woo; staying up late and chatting with friends in the park or on the balcony, wrapped in blankets and no lights except for candles; going to bed early and still seeing daylight between your closed shades; waking up early and not minding because it's SUMMER; eating ice cream five times a day; sunbathing all day long and feeling your skin still being warm after you've showered; everyone's happiness...
Going to a friend's gig tonight. Red dress, red lipstick, red flower in my hair. Oh yeah! Last week I gained a little more confidence concerning my attractiveness because I was in several situations when I chatted with nice guys and they seemed interested, so...fingers crossed!

Darren Criss - 'The Muse' and cover

some of my all-time favourites on YouTube.

Samstag, 23. Februar 2013


They look so beautiful! I would kill to wear a dress like these ones once in my life!

John Dowland "Time Stands Still"

Time stands still with gazing on her face. Stand still and gaze, for minutes, hours and years to her give place: All other things shall change, but she remains the same, Till heavens changed have their course and Time hath lost his name. Cupid doth hover up and down blinded with her fair eyes, And Fortune, captive at her feet, contemn'd and conquer'd lies. When Fortune, Love and Time attend on her With my fortunes, love and time I honour will alone. If bloodless Envy say, Duty hath no desert, Duty replies that Envy knows herself his faithful heart, My settled vows and spotless faith no fortune can remove Courage shall show my inward faith, and faith shall try my love.

the scent of cake

I baked! I was sick of staring at my screen and searching for quotes so I got eggs, cream, flour, milk and chocolate and made a cake. It turned out pretty and fluffy. Mmmmm...My whole flat smells like cake now and I walk around with a bright smile on my face. Perfect remedy for cloudy February days.

Freitag, 22. Februar 2013

terrible friend

I'm a little sad tonight. I came home from work, very tired and angry because of the bloody bus. But I know that it isn't the bus or the usual weirdos you see there every day. It's because I'm unhappy these days and a friend of mine is so happy I almost can't bare it. I know it is a terrible thing to say about a friend, but I can't help feeling like sh*** every time she talks about her happy life. Ugh, I'm a terrible person, I know, but I had to tell someone, and who's better than the void out there called internet? Maybe I'm a bad friend, I don't know, but shouldn't I be the lucky one and not always everyone else I know? Who is going to listen to me?
Can I just say that I really hate Emma Watson? I know that a lot of people adore her for her looks and her talent and I know that she's very pretty but that is exactly what annoys me. How can she be so lucky to look like this and play Hermione Granger, one of the most admirable female characters in children's literature? I don't like the way she plays Hermione either, because Hermione would never be so...giggly and girlish and...grhsfdffgrg!!! as she portrays her. Please don't hate me for this post, it's just my personal opinion and I had to say it once.
The man sitting next to me on the bus today looked exactly like Zachary Quinto and I almost shouted: "Zachary Quinto! How was it working with Benedict Cumberbatch? Did you touch his chest? Tell me EVERYTHING!!!"

how is this even possible?!

me everytime my boss walks by and almost catches me stalking Benedict Cumberbatch or anything "The Hobbit"-related.

Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2013

bwahahaaaa! I love Sherlock's little moments when he totally acts like a normal human including silly faces =D
“God help me, I actually thought it was quite a warm fuzzy episode. But apparently I’ve accidentally written King Lear.” — John Finnemore on Yverdon-Les-Bains Ooooh, I love John Finnemore! And you're totally right, it was at least as horrible as "King Lear"! I actually teared up listening to Martin's beautiful speech...although others may have tuned out. gaaah, post-Cabin Pressure feels!!! This last episode was so beautiful and yet so cruel! Damn you, Finnemore! It's going to take AGES till the next season (IF the next season) comes out!

Mittwoch, 20. Februar 2013

Yes, I would definately make out with Neville Longbottom. Who knew I would fancy a Professor of Herbology one day?

watch this!

So avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women - and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do. —Dead Poets Society
I'm procrastinating very hard at the moment so I'll just post some random pictures of Benedict Cumberbatch's back. Always a good choice. To be honest, his back looks INCREDIBLY sexy, especially in his "Sherlock"-coat. Ummmm... I can't believe how tidy my flat is just because I'm too lazy to start writing my term papers. Mental note: never try to compensate panic with coffee again. *feelingslightlysick* :P