Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2013

reading recommendation

I finished Thomas Wolfe's "Look Homeward, Angel". It took me ages to read because I also had my books for Uni to read etc. I loved the book although I couldn't sympathise with any character. I didn't like Eugene although I loved his approach to literature and poetry. The end was very beautiful, I loved the conversation between Eugene and Ben's ghost or whatever he was meant to be. It was scary and touching and beautiful and it almost made me cry. I'm not quite sure what to make out of this last conversation.
I began to read Jack Kerouac's "The Sea is my Brother" yesterday. I don't know what to make of it so far. I'm a little annoyed by Wesley, but I love the friendship between him and Everhart. It is the first of Kerouac's novels I read so I'm excited how I will like it.

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