Dienstag, 26. Februar 2013

Jack Kerouac - 'The Journal of an Egotist'

Listen to this:
I have fallen in love, or at least, am in the throes of falling in love with a girl. I won't mention her name, because God help me if she should ever read this! She has long black hair, large rolling brown eyes, small and delicately rounded shoulders, a very slender body which retains its soft suppleness, and a beautiful alabaster face, concocted of black fire and shimmering ebony and wild dreams and love and whiteness and gleaming, glowing, pulsating, oscillating beauty. Aah, my mad masters, I adore her walk, I revere[e] her look, I love her for her femininity, I cherish her for the memory she affords me, and I yearn for her with all the fiery passion of youth! ...
Jack Kerouac 'The Journal of an Egotist' He was 18 when he wrote this.

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