Donnerstag, 7. Februar 2013

I read a lovely post on a blog yesterday. The author wished to meet a man as romantically as it is happening in novels and films. She imagined bumping into some nice young man in the street, they both apologize, start chatting, have a coffee etc. That's a lovely image and I wish I would meet a man like this. My favourite image of meeting my future boyfriend is an encounter in the library. I would stroll between the shelves, not really paying attention and he would watch me secretly. Then, some day, we would meet, he would help me carrying my books or maybe we would bump into each other and we would have to collect all the books from the floor and our eyes would meet. I would be embarassed but he would like my smile (although I don't like it myself)and he would ask me out. I also found all these gifs of the lanterns scene in "Tangled" and fell in love all over again. I remember crying the first time I saw it and being amazed by so much beauty. You wouldn't expect it in a children's film. Every now and then I listen to "I See the Lights" and watch the scene but not too often because it always hurts a little.
ooooooh, so beautiful...

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