Dienstag, 23. April 2013

I had a lovely weekend and I'm still euphoric for some reason although I don't quite know, why. I saw my crush for the last time on sunday and I'm torn between grief and tears and some weird kind of happiness. I don't know why I am this happy, because it's definately clear that we won't be able to see each other again. I'm feeling some kind of hope, which is nice but also weird. I had to say goodbye to some people on sunday and I wanted to say godbye to HIM as well but I didn't see him again. I felt allright until I was waiting for the underground. While I was standing there I suddenly bursted out in tears and couldn't calm down. I cried during the whole way home and tried to ignore the weird looks people were giving me. My emotions are driving on a rollercoaster, otherwise I can't explain my strange behaviour. Am I on any drugs I don't know of?

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